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Studio Holder Eirin Hayhow surrounded by fabrics she made in the BioLab at The Margate School

artistic exploration rooted in sustainability and social engagement

Courses at The Margate School

Visual Communication Design course at The Margate School

Design | Society | Nature

Visual Communication Design

A one year, part-time course designed to build on your design knowledge and technical skills while also developing a critical and socially engaged design practice, where people and the planet come first.

Apply now for January 2026 start

European Fine Art Masters at The Margate School

Art | Society | Nature

European Fine Art Masters

A two-year, full-time Fine Art Masters programme accredited by the French Art School Esä, l'Ecole Supérieure d'Art. A unique program that nurtures emerging artists and fosters their development in the field of fine art.

The Still and Moving Image course at The Margate School

Image | Society | Nature

The Still & Moving Image

A one year, part-time course designed to guide you in using experimentation and exploration to develop your photographic and videography practice, this course is supported by both practical and theoretical sessions within the School, the local environment and wider community.

Upcoming Events at The Margate School

Upcoming Events, Exhibitions and More

Facilities at The Margate School


Darkroom Facilities available for hire at The Margate School


Develop and print your black and white film in our darkrooms. One solo darkroom and one group darkroom available.

Studio Spaces Available for Hire at The Margate School

Studio Spaces

A range of spaces of different sizes available, all with full access to our FabLab facilities.

Venue Hire at The Margate School

Venue Hire

Hire our gallery space, auditorium or workshop space for your exhibition, performance or other requirements.

FabLab Technical Facilities available for hire at The Margate School


A range of facilities including screen printing, laser cutting, 3D printing, woodwork shop. Included with all studio spaces.

All the Latest News from The Margate School

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The Margate School

31 - 33 High Street



Registered office

17 Roxburgh Road,

Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, CT8 8RX 

© The Margate School Ltd.

A not-for-profit company 

Registered number 09629126


01843 838421

The Margate School CIO 

A charity registered with Charity Commission 

Charity Number 1203446

The Margate School's key partners are renowned French art school, Esä, l’École Supérieure d’Art Dunkerque-Tourcoing. It is a member of CHEAD,  associate member of ELIA. It is also a RSA South East Fellowship Co-working Hub.

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