Elisabeth Kepler
Founder, Kepler Art Conseil (Paris and Brussels)
Following twenty-five years of experience in the international art sector and eight years of experience in art criticism (Zürichseezeitungen, Switzerland), Elisabeth founded Kepler Art Conseil in Paris to develop and exhibit innovative practices in contemporary art. Her cross-discipline curatorial practice examined the relationship between art, its environment and our perception of space. Now in Brussels, here interests have increasingly grown towards showing and mediating art in non-gallery spaces. Elisabeth’s guiding principles are to support artistic experimentation and especially though hybrid realisations, as video, installations, performances, etc. Throughout her career Elizabeth’s artistic pre-occupations have centred on the relationship between art, its environment and our perception of space, oscillating between artistic intimity and social perceptions. This has more recently led her to present art in non-gallery spaces such as hotels, music clubs and the countryside.