Become a Fellow at The Margate School
The Margate School is very much about community and you are invited to apply to join to become a Fellow
Get in touch with us to book a tour and find out more: info@themargateschool.com
Access to FabLab and Makerspace
1 day/month of free darkroom access then 50% off public price
Discounted rate to use kiln
Technical assistance (£10/hour)
Laser cutter is limited to 2h/month
Access to hot desking spaces
Invitations to Guest lectures
Invitations to TMS community events & socials (eg lunches, film nights)
All for just £45 per month

Environmental Statement
The Margate School aims to be as sustainable as possible within our limits as a not-for-profit organisation. We are open to collaboration with photographers, scientists and environmentalists - we’d love to hear new ideas or your experience with sustainable practices and work together in developing a more sustainable approach to traditional methods. At The Margate School, we aim to extend learning potential, we seek to do this in the expanded field, through art practice, philosophical reflection, scientific exploration, technological enquiry, engagement in today’s environmental challenges and sociological investigations.
Photograph by David Molloy from the Art, Society, Nature Photographic Residency