Code of Conduct
The Margate School (TMS) is a diverse creative community of artists, makers, students, academics and volunteers located in the vibrant coastal town of Margate, Kent.
As a not-for-profit postgraduate liberal arts school at the heart of this community, we focus on the role of the arts in social and environmental justice.
TMS is a place where people matter, guided by project-based collaborative learning in the expanded field, nurturing independent thinking. We, the community that you are part of, the people who study, work, teach, learn, research, experiment and practice here, make a notable difference to the High Street we are situated in and our wider neighbourhood.
When you join TMS you are invited to make the School your own and help establish beneficial and creative opportunities for Margate’s wider, diverse and less privileged communities. A School in and for Margate, inspired by Margate’s past and passionate about the future. You become an ambassador for TMS and, as such, will conduct yourself in a manner that reflects the values of the School.
We are not a public institutions but our values do overlap with the Nolan principles of conduct for holders in public office: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
The Margate School therefore has a Code of Conduct that defines the attitude we have towards each other and what behaviour we can expect from others with the aim of achieving a good working and study environment. The Code of Conduct is a tool for dialogues about treatment within the School and is used when new employees, studio holders, students and volunteers are introduced.
The Code of Conduct reads:
We who are active at the The Margate School:
follow The Margate School's core values.
treat one another with consideration and respect.
contribute to a positive and inclusive work and study environment.
show consideration for each other’s differences and opinions.
develop our shared organisation together.
report shortcomings and wrongdoing in the workplace and the study environment.
follow laws, ordinances, internal rules and policies.The Code of Conduct forms a tool for dialogue about the treatment of others within the School, and is used to aid the introduction of new colleagues and students. All who work and study at The Margate School.