Funding Success
The Margate School has been successful in a bid for £499,000 from the Coastal Communities Fund to provide early technological support for the ‘creative cluster’ that has grown up around Turner Contemporary. The Charitable Incorporated Company says it will be an internationally connected liberal arts school which will in due course offer apprenticeships and post-graduate degrees. The plan is to be accredited by L’Ecole Superieure d’Art et Design Le Havre-Rouen for co-delivery of Fine Art MAs and to run multi-disciplinary courses.
Uwe Derksen, TMS director and long-term Westgate resident with 30 years’ experience of managing arts ventures in the university sector, said “We are delighted to have been awarded this sum to kick-start the initiative and will soon be setting up Kent’s first Fabrications Laboratory providing 3-D printing and similar facilities to reinforce Thanet’s booming reputation as the place to be. The award shows massive confidence in Margate and means we can start to plan for phase two, establishing permanent premises and developing tailored courses and, not least, cultivating our national and international links for the good of the wider East Kent economy as a whole."
The Margate School, Margate Art School