The Margate School building is sold!
The iconic former Woolworths building, that stood empty for eleven years and occupied by The Margate School since 2019 has today been sold. The philanthropic owner, who wants to remain anonymous, has confirmed that the continued support for The Margate School is a priority. The new owner is a keen supporter of The Margate School since its inception. We are pleased that as a result we are now being offered a twenty-year lease on the building.

Uwe Derksen, Director of The Margate School, expressed his gratitude to the previous owners for their trust and support over the last few years and finally completing with the new owner the sale of the building with The Margate School at its heart. He said: “The last few months have been somewhat of a rollercoaster and the sale of such a building is never straight forward. The positive outcome was only possible because not only did the seller and buyer support The Margate School but throughout the sales process all three parties were in close contact which made all the difference! On behalf of the School I would like to express our appreciation and offer our thanks to both the new and old owner of this historically important building in Margate’s High Street allowing our community and our neighbourhood to thrive”.
Further the newly formed charity, The Margate School CIO, wholeheartedly expressed their support and thanks:
“The trustees of the new The Margate School Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) are delighted that the premises of The Margate School will be secured on a long lease. As well as providing a sustainable base for the School's vital educational and community focussed activities, it signals confidence and a strong long-term viability to both public and private funders for future investment.” James Shea, Chair of Trustees, The Margate School CIO.
“This is an important and exciting development for The Margate School and supports its ambitions to make diverse contributions to the creative arts and cultural sectors in the region as well as in national and international contexts.” Prof Gillian Youngs, Trustee, The Margate School CIO and member of the Advisory Group for The Margate School Ltd.
Linking in from the theme of the RSA Festival, which was live streamed to local members at The Margate School this weekend, What Can Go Right?, it is a positive journey ahead for the rest of the year and beyond.
Just recently we have signed a partnership agreement with Esä, l’École Supérieure d’Art Dunkerque-Tourcoing, which will be the basis for future education and research collaborations, residencies, exchange visits and projects. Last week the Charity Commission approved the charity application for the The Margate School CIO, set up to support The Margate School community by securing donations and charitable funds.
Students are also looking forward to their end of year events and exhibitions: Enchanted Things, showcasing the work of the European Fine Art Masters from 1 to 9 July.