2021 Studios
Since January we have welcomed over 20 new studio residents and two new members of studio staff, Estelle Rosenfeld and Ruyin Nabizadah who will be taking over Jacob’s role. Jacob Calland joined TMS in 2019 as our Studio Manager and later became a student. He helped build the TMS studios from recycled materials, including the 20 newly developed this year, alongside managing the FabLab and completing his European Fine Art MA in the summer. He will be missed by everyone at TMS, including the entire studio community and we would like to thank him for all the work he has done for everyone here.
Here are a few 2021 highlights from our studio residents this year:
8th March | Dream safari painted a mural of Käthe Kollwitz for us, you can view it around the corner from us on New Street
29th July | Matthew Murphy published his picture book on Margate “Where do you even begin?” for those who have Margate in their hearts… for the good and the bad.
8—10th Sept | We were joined by Peony Vintage, LoLoNo and Matthew Murphy for the UK Creative Festival at Dreamland
Sept 18 | Erin Hayhow launched her CRYSTAL EARTH SS22 collection alongside a digital presentation for London Fashion Week
20th Oct | James Lemon illustrated a book written by his mum and sister called Henry the Hedgehog, imagine: Where’s Wally meets The Farside Gallery.
22nd Oct | Vkraw had her solo show: I Dreamed I Touched the Land you See, at The Neon Rooms
20th Nov | Peony Vintage had over 850 people visit the Christmas Market she organised, which was filled with local and sustainable businesses.
8—12th Dec | Erin Hayhow and Sam Giles from the collective Losergang had their group exhibition at The Brewery Tap Folkestone
All of our studio holders have been working incredibly hard on their creative practices, businesses and learning this year, and we feel very lucky to have such creative people in our community! We are looking forward to working with our two new members of studio staff and seeing what our residents make in 2022.