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Visual Communication Tutors

The Design, Society, Nature, coordinator & tutors are all practicing designers and will work with you to build and develop your practice.

Dr Paul Rennie

Tutor, Visual Communication

Paul is a collector and curator of art and design, with over twenty years of experience in teaching, including at Central Saint Martins, London. He is the author of several books about poster history and design, including Tom Eckersley (2021). Paul lives in Folkestone, Kent, and is a great enthusiast of the therapeutic and transcendent potential of art and the seaside.

Rachel Kirk BA / MA / FHEA

Tutor, Visual Communication

Rachel is a Graphic Designer, Communications Consultant and Educator. She holds an MA in Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins, UAL, where she now teaches Critical and Contextual Studies alongside other design modules. Rachel has a broad design and communications skillset and over fifteen years of experience working primarily with not-for-profit organisations and start-ups focusing on sustainability and socially-engaged practice.

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The Margate School

31 - 33 High Street



Registered office

17 Roxburgh Road,

Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, CT8 8RX 

© The Margate School Ltd.

A not-for-profit company 

Registered number 09629126


01843 838421

The Margate School CIO 

A charity registered with Charity Commission 

Charity Number 1203446

The Margate School's key partners are renowned French art school, Esä, l’École Supérieure d’Art Dunkerque-Tourcoing. It is a member of CHEAD,  associate member of ELIA. It is also a RSA South East Fellowship Co-working Hub.

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